Published on March 5, 2006 By NewbieDeb In ObjectDock
I am trying to add a function to ObjectDock to have quick access to windows Search function. This is the one you would usually find when you right click on the start button, right under EXPLORE or the Search function when you left click, right above RUN.

I've tried the normal Drag and Drop, but that doesn't work. I'm just too newbie to know what to do.
Actually I have the same trouble when trying to put a shortcut to a saved search (that usually resides on my desktop)

Could someone tell me what I need to do to make this work?

on Mar 09, 2006
I searched a long time ago for this feature, and I found this : create a .txt file, copy this in :

Dim objShell
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

then rename your file in .vbs, place it somewhere you can remember, and set a shorcut to it in your dock.